Info for Donors
Donations to ThreeSixty / Y360 may be tax-deductible for US tax payers.
As per US IRS regulations, no goods or services may be exchanged for tax deductible donations.
ThreeSixty has complete control and jurisdiction over the use and disbursement of donations.
Donations to ThreeSixty are tax-deductible for US tax payers. Recurring monthly gifts are encouraged using Credit Card or eCheck (debit from US bank account only) to ensure ongoing regular support for your beneficiary. Credit card payments incur additional charges to the beneficiary. The eCheck payment option helps reduce processing costs for beneficiaries.
As per US IRS regulations, no goods or services may be exchanged for tax deductible donations. ThreeSixty has complete control and jurisdiction over the use and disbursement of donations. We do our best to interpret and honor donor intent, and disburse it accordingly. If we are unable to successfully verify donor intent, we reserve the right to apply donations where necessary.
Donation Receipts
Online Donations automatically generate an eReceipt (sent via email) with your donation information. Your receipt includes your YTD donation totals which can be used as IRS documentation of your charitable giving.
Please add donations @ to your Contacts. Be sure to search your email Inbox (and Spam or Junk Mail folders) before contacting us for any missing receipts. Your final eReceipt for the year will also serve as sufficient documentation for the US IRS in lieu of “Year End Statements” as every receipt will show your Year To Date giving.
Year End Statements
To keep administrative costs low for ThreeSixty (dba Y360) and for beneficiaries, ThreeSixty does not automatically mail out Year End Statements to donors. However each Receipt (paper or electronic) reflects the Donation Amount AND Total Donations for the Year (which is sufficient documentation for the US IRS in lieu of Year End Statements). However, special requests may be made to our Accounting Dept. (use contact form, or call us) for a manually generated Year-End Statement.
How often are donations processed at ThreeSixty?
Donations are processed twice a month at ThreeSixty (dba Y360) to help keeps costs low. Payments to beneficiaries are processed only AFTER donated funds are verified as fully credited to ThreeSixty’s accounts after credit/debit card & ACH payment processing. Donors need to allow 15-20 days for the entire process and for all transactions to be completed successfully.
PLEASE NOTE: As per US IRS regulations, no goods or services may be exchanged for tax deductible donations. ThreeSixty has complete control and jurisdiction over the use and disbursement of donations. We do our best to interpret and honor donor intent, and disburse it accordingly. If we are unable to successfully verify donor intent, we reserve the right to apply donations where necessary.
It has been over 2 weeks since a donation was recorded. Why hasn’t my beneficiary received it yet?
Processing times can range from 10-20 business days and may even take longer, depending on various factors such as the donor’s preferred payment methods (credit card or checks), business days for banking institutions, mailing time for checks, payment processors & vendor timings, etc. However, regardless of this general schedule, wire transfers to some beneficiaries are done only on an “as-requested-basis” and such payments may only be requested by beneficiaries when needed (due to high wire transfer costs incurred by beneficiary).
Eg. If a donation is made and recorded on the donation system on the 10th, it does not mean that the funds are immediately available for processing or payout. It might only become physically available within our ThreeSixty account after the 16th or 17th. Payout to the beneficiary will not happen therefore until the next donation processing cycle (scheduled at ThreeSixty for the end of the month) and then, consequently available within beneficiary bank accounts only after transfer is properly completed between banks.
Does ThreeSixty have a receptionist?
No. However, inquiries maybe submitted via the Contact Form below. ThreeSixty operates entirely with the help of a small group of part-time volunteers. These volunteers also travel and serve globally themselves, but kindly give of their personal time to help with ThreeSixty’s administrative needs when available. So please be patient. While volunteers might not be able to respond to inquiries immediately, and unless your inquiry disappears into a spam / junk mail folder, someone does typically respond to online or phone inquiries within 2-3 business days (unless they are traveling and out of internet connectivity). This helps keep overall administrative costs low for beneficiaries.
How do I get a receipt?
Online Donations automatically generate an eReceipt (sent via email) with your donation information. Your receipt includes your YTD donation totals which can be used as IRS documentation of your charitable giving. You may also login, view your giving history and generate your Donation Report. See Manage Your Giving instructions below.
How do I update my card info, payment options and mailing address etc.?
You may login to update your payment options, and generate your Donation Report. See Manage Your Giving instructions below.
How do I track my donations, or generate a report online?
Sign in at: (or at your beneficiary’s Giving Page). See Manage Your Giving instructions below.
Go to : Donor Management -> Reports -> User Gift Report
Is my information secure with ThreeSixty?
Yes. See ThreeSixty’s Privacy and Refund Policy.
Manage Your Giving Online
Help us keep administrative costs low by using the unique link to your Beneficiary’s Giving Page (ask your Beneficiary about that link and use it to:
1. Create your own User Login.
If you have given to ThreeSixty previously, we can connect your Giving History to your new User Login as well. Please contact us for that.
2. Set up / Manage Payment Options
Using a credit card or echecks (bank debit) for Recurring or One-Time donations
• Login > Click My Account > Select Payment Options or Recurring Payments
• Set up new or change existing Payment Methods (set/change expiry date, billing address etc.)
• Select old/unused payment methods and Make Inactive (to prevent the system from attempting to use older payment methods).
• Remember to Save/Submit your changes. Double check your settings before logging out.
3. To Generate a Giving Report or Year End Statement
• Login > Click My Account > Donations
• Set Start Date to beginning of the year, and End Date to the last day of the year (that you want a Statement for).
• View/Print the Report you see as your Statement.
If you are unable to generate the needed report, please use the contact form below to contact our donations department. Please provide any relevant Donor Information and Date Ranges when you submit your request, as that will help us locate the information we need to help you.
4. View / Print your Giving Reports
Set a Date Range for your reports. Print your report (and/or save a PDF). It can serve as sufficient documentation for the US IRS.
Prefer sending Paper Checks instead?
Please make sure you contact your beneficiary to obtain their 4-digit Account Code before you send checks to:
ThreeSixty – XXXX < – replace the XXXX here with your Beneficiary’s 4-digit Account Code
PO Box 26479
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Please add a note to specify your designation.
NOTE TO DONOR: If we are unable to successfully verify donor intent, we reserve the right to apply donations where necessary. General donations will be applied where needed most.